Clearly Holistic is an online and in-person healing space. We offer holistic healing and wellness sessions to nourish the body, mind and soul back to health. What is Healing? Healing is the process of becoming whole. Actually we are already whole. Healing is simply a process of remembering our wholeness.

Live a life of health and happiness!




“Having heard of Dunja via friends and walking mates over some time, mostly about how she had helped them find their way on many varied journeys, I decided to give her a call and had an initial meeting.

My personal journey with Dunja was not very complicated, as I had retired a few years earlier, from an active and stimulating life and needed some motivation and the need to realign the cogs in my brain, as I found myself in a bit of a slump and not as motivated as was my usual nature.

My weekly meetings were her were filled with moments that changed my life in many positive ways and are in fact difficult to describe, as one cog reconnecting with another, brought on so many other positive moments. You may approach her for one thing, but return home with many.

A journey worth taking, as in my case, a journey worth far more than I could have anticipated.”

 - Roy

“I found Dunja’s holistic approach to my weight loss agenda to be novel, fun, focused and, most importantly, effective. She can be a mean task master who kept me on track, at one stage to the point of me having to post photos of every morsel I consumed- now that’s commitment from her that produced commitment from me . Thanks Dunja”

- Dick

“At first I expected to be inundated with just nutrition stuff, but there was a lot more involved. With Dunja's help, I was able to recognise that my spiritual and emotional well being were not getting the right nutrition and needed to be fed as well.

Our 6 month programme was to establish a healthy eating lifestyle, to plan ahead and prep meals for the week, and to create an exercise routine that would fit my busy schedule. Dunja helped me set food and self-care goals and provided realistic strategies. The gentle accountability push helped me stay on track. By monitoring my progress, obstacles, and/or challenges, I was able to get organised and find ways to accomplish my goals.

Dunja's integrative approach to health and wellness and her caring nature, through her guidance, advice, and abundant supply of support and encouragement, I was able to find comfort and enjoyment in eating healthy, whole foods.”

- Tara

"The support received by Dunja came at a time of difficult personal challenges whereby I couldn't see the woods from the trees. After my sessions my life has changed for the better and those obstacles have been met head on and enabled me to move forward in a positive light.

- Norman

“My husband and I benefited greatly from our wellness program with Dunja. We loved her sincere, caring and personalised approach.

Dunja helped to equip us with health and wellness skills that have become a permanent feature of our lifestyle. We would definitely recommend her to anyone who is interested in improving their diet, health and wellbeing.”

- Jeanne-Louise

“The relationships in my life improved dramatically thanks to Dunja’s compassionate guidance. Specifically, my relationship with my mother was harmonious and peaceful when she passed away suddenly in 2016. It meant I could grieve the loss of my mother with no regrets. I will always be thankful to Dunja for that.”

- Donna

“Dunja has a wonderful way about her; she approaches with an understanding, has this calmness about her, yet motivates with just the right amount of pressure. She helped me identify what is truly of importance in my life. Taking my lifestyle, eating habits and exercise to a better and sustainable level. She even got down and exercised with me ;-).

I gained a whole new perspective on food and my relationships including my relationship with myself, which was a must.

I would recommend her to anyone!

- Cornel